Saturday, June 6, 2015

Weekend at the Farm June 6 - 7, 2015

This is a Bee Balm bloom.  This plant came up from some seeds that I sowed last year.

Arrived on Friday afternoon.  Mom, Dad, Lisa W, Nan, Blake, Josh, and Sammy came up for the day on Saturday.  The kids spent the night.

My Lanie dog got sick and died on Friday night. Bert took her to the vet and she was put on an IV.  But she died at 3 a.m.  We brought her body home and buried her on the property.  It wasn't easy digging the hole, and we even had some help from the neighbor.  Eric drove his tractor over and started digging the hole, but he stopped because he was sinking so bad in the wet ground.  I finished the hole myself.  We buried her Friday evening.  Bert went to Papescapes and bought four huge, flat rocks to cover the grave.  Animals will dig up up buried animals, we learned that the hard way when we buried Kaiser years ago.  Such a gentle, beautiful dog, she will be greatly missed.

We picked berries and made jelly.  Celebrated Bert's birthday, Mom made a carrot cake.

Nan, Lisa, Josh, Blake, Sammy, and Bert and I swam after Mom and Dad left.

Watched the Belmont.  American Pharoah won the Triple Crown.

Air conditioner that feeds the main part of the house gave out about 5. The master bedroom air conditioner in Houston broke last week.  We will spend almost 15 thousand dollars in the space of three days replacing both of them.  I call this a bad week.

Sunday breakfast for the kids.  Walked around with Sam looking at flowers.  They left about 10.

Weeded, weeded, weeded.

Cut back Tuber Vervain in the Spicebush bed.  It was crowding my two Spicebushes.

Sprayed herbicide on the few places I missed last weekend.

Watched butterflies - Tiger Swallowtails, Gulf Fritillaries, and Giant Swallowtails, and the zillions of tiny ones that move too quickly to identify.

Deadheaded my butterfly bush.

Messed with the sprinklers in the Medicine Garden.

The Montbretia are loaded with buds.  I'm looking forward to their bloom time.  The blue Vitex are blooming, such a beautiful blue color.  The Galilee Hydarngea that Ashley gave me several years ago is blooming.  I'm so surprised.  It was the size of a potted plant, and I stuck it in the ground without expecting it to make it, and now it's blooming.  A Big Daddy Hydrangea next to my Spicebushes is blooming.  I gave up on that shrub years ago.  It never did well.   There were actually two of them, and I moved them several times hoping to get a better performance out of them, I finally threw one of them away.  I attribute the hydrangea blooms to all the rain we have had.

Watered all my newest roses in the Star and Rose gardens.

Sowed some Purple Prince Zinnias in the Star Garden.

Carol came by and picked berries.  I was glad to give her some, they would have gone to waste.

Flat tire on my car.  I'll be glad when this week is over.  The bright spot in an otherwise dismal week was being with family

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