Friday, January 17, 2025
Swamp Sunflower October 20, 2024
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Sunday, October 20, 2024
At the Farm October 18 - 20, 2024
This is second generation Cosmos. I sowed some in the beginning of summer. And I pulled them up once they got tired looking. A whole new crop sprung up, and I have a second wave of gorgeous blooms from the seeds that dropped on the ground.
Busy October for plant-related activity. The La Bahia plant sale was October 5. And the next Saturday I attended the milkweed propagation demonstration at the NPSOT Symposium in New Braunfels.
I planted 4 Frogfruit next to the Possumhaw, live oak seedling and grama grass at the edge of the Star Garden. Ever since the linemen came and cut down the dead tree that was growing there, I've been trying to wrap my head around the fact that the area is sunny now.
I cut yaupon and poisoned the tips in the area I am trying to convert to native that is next to the Greenhouse.
Cleared out the bed by the front arbor. In the spring, it always gets covered by chickweed, so I am not going to seed the area.
I worked in the shady parts of the Star Garden clearing, weeding and tending. I spread lots of Philippine Lily seeds.
Planted a live oak sapling along the boardwalk.
I pulled up all the mistflower in the front bed and sowed the area with wildflower seed. And I pulled up all the zinnias on the other side of that bed, roughed it up, and watered. A couple of months ago I threw down zillions of coneflower seed in that area. So, now that the zinnias and weeds are gone, it is prepped and ready to grow coneflower.
Watered in the Greenhouse Garden all day on Saturday - so dry!
I began the milkweed propagation process by putting the milkweed seeds (that I got from the demonstration last weekend) into moistened vermiculite. They will stay in the fridge in baggies of moist vermiculite for 6 weeks. I'm kind of fired up about it. That would be amazing if I could successfully grow milkweed. It is notoriously hard to grow milkweed from seed.
I stayed outside working and wandering until darkness (and fear of snakes) drove me in to the house Saturday evening. But before I went in, I watched the moths on the Almond Verbena shrub. Constant activity here at the farm.
The Mexican sunflowers and Cosmos are a so entertaining to watch. Butterflies by the hundreds are fluttering all around them. And the white and blue mistflowers are waiting in the wings, just about to bud out.
I tried to cut down some yaupons in the wooded area next to the Long Border, to open up the area and also to really showcase the loblolly pines that grow in that area. I used a new electric saw to do it, but that was a total bummer. The chain kept coming off. Not happy about that.
Sunday. I cleared out the remaining beds in the Vegetable Garden. I raked pine needles in my good spot and laid them down over parts of the beds that I am not currently going to use. I sowed turnips, parsnips and cilantro. I sowed some pea seeds in one of the beds to use as green manure. I will turn them under in a month or so. So, lots accomplished in there. At one point I was pulling weeds, and I picked up a copperhead IN MY HAND! I thought I had a handful of weeds, then I felt movement, looked down at my hand and saw the snake. Naturally I threw it down. But I let it live. I shooed it away - which is not easy with copperheads. Their instinct is not to move at all, so prodding them mostly just makes them mad.
Headed home about 3:00
Sunday, October 6, 2024
At the Farm September 26 - 29, 2024
Wednesday. Worked.
During lunch, I sowed Moss Verbena and Purple Prairie Clover in a corner of the Rose Edge Border. I marked the area with sticks so I would remember the spot. I'm thinking about seeding the whole bed. I haven't done that in some years because it's been taken over by Tall Winecup in the spring which is so pretty, why try to improve on something so successful and effortless.
I also seeded another bed in the Rose Garden with Moss Verbena and Purple Prairie Clover.
Watered them both. I'm planning to be here Wednesday through Sunday, so I can keep the seed beds moist while the seeds germinate. This is the most critical time for success.
After work, I sowed seeds in several more places. Marked the spots with sticks. I cleared out the Country Girl mum bed while I watered them in. I seeded the Country Girl bed after I cleared it out. I gathered some handfuls of mum runners that broke off while I cleared the bed. I decided to pot up the ones with a little bit of root and see if they will take off. I made 3 small pots and 2 gallon pots.
I cleared one of the big beds in the Vegetable Garden and sowed lettuce seeds I used up the last of 3 different kinds of Bibb lettuces. Lettuce seeds are small and don't have a long shelf life. Better to use them up
Outside to the Vegetable Garden. I cleared out a 4 x 4 bed and sowed 4 rows of kale. Watered it in and watered my lettuce seeds. Keeping the soil moist until germination is important for lettuce.
Next to the Rose Garden to water all my new seed beds. I made 3 more seed beds of Moss Verbena at corners so that the flowers will spill out into paths. I seeded some of the rose buckets with moss verbena as well.
Pruned the Noisette. It's big, but the canes are scabby. I really need to cut away some old canes to encourage new canes. Maybe next winter. But I pruned it quite a bit and cut away a lot of dead canes. It would be great to get some late October and November blooms.
I pruned the Mlle Franziska Kruger and a couple of the Perl d'Or in the front bed.
Friday. Watered here and there while I worked.
During lunch I cleared a 4 x 4 bed in the Vegetable Garden and a bucket. I sowed Cilantro in both.
After work I hand watered seed beds in the Rose Garden. Just a little more babying and they can make it on their own. Upfront work produces future results. I'd love to get a good show.
I sat on the sofa for a long time watching the butterflies on the Bandana orange lantana. It was quite a show. So far I've grown many colors, and I find the whole series to be stingy bloomers. But it was very lovely today.
I ran into some poison ivy in the armadillo fence around the Paw Paw tree. I immediately washed up as carefully as I could, changed clothes, threw away the gloves. That took the wind out of my sails and I didn't do any more gardening that evening.
The butterflies are entertaining. I saw a Variegated Fritillary yesterday. First one this year. And the Giant Swallowtails, the black and blue swallowtails, Zebra Longwings, Gulf Fritillaries, sulphurs, Hairstreaks, Long Tailed Skippers, the tiny skippers - they are all here this weekend.
Saturday. Cool morning. So pleasant. I started in the Rose Garden. I cleared out the wild corner and sowed Purple Prairie Clover and Rattlesnake Master. Watered the area.
Finished clearing out most of the Rose Edge Border. I sowed Prickly Poppy that Molly Glentzer gave me, Moss Verbena, Rattlesnake Master, Clasping Coneflower and Mexican Hat. Watered the area.
I went down to the Orchard and did a bit of weeding, not much needed because of the heavy layer of pinebark mulch I put down. I got the Orchard under control, now I am trying to maintain it with mulch. It looks really pretty in there right now with ageratum and coneflowers and salvia blooming. I am loving it, and only a few months ago, I was despairing that I would never get it back under control. I scraped away some mulch in 4 or so spots and sowed Moss Verbena and Purple Prairie Clover. There are a lot of Tall Winecup and Brown Eyes seed in that garden, and they are going to want to take over in the spring. So no sense in seeding too much.
I cleared out a 4 x 4 bed in the Vegetable Garden and sowed parsley seed. I cleared out another space to sow dill, but I have none! I'm so surprised that I didn't re-order when I ran out last fall.
Worked the majority of the afternoon in shady locations in the garden. Clearing, clearing, clearing. Looks pretty to me!
Sunday. Another cool morning.
I sowed 2 packages of Calendula in the Vegetable Garden. I cleared an 8 x 4 bed on Saturday. I was going to plant dill there, but I ran across the calendula seeds in my seed box and decided to plant them
Sunday, September 29, 2024
Frostweed September 29, 2024
This is snakeroot and frostweed. I am liking how this looks. This is the wild area in the Star Garden. I sowed a ton of frostweed seed last winter, so I have lots of it just about to bloom. This is a good fall pollinator plant. And I like have big leaved plants in the garden.
Friday, September 27, 2024
Fruity Pebbles Lantana September 27, 2024
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Weekend at the Farm September 19 - 22, 2024
Blue mist flower and yellow and orange Cosmos in my front flowerbed.
Bert and I drove up together on Thursday evening after work. I spent a little time in Mom's Garden pulling up Louisiana artemisia and weeding. I haven't spent any time in that garden for a long time. I didn't water it one time the whole summer until I seeded it last week. But it looks pretty good.
Friday morning before work I went back out to Mom's Garden. I filled up the water tank and fixed the fountain apparatus. It's working again, and looks fine, not sure why it stopped working. I finished weeding and I trimmed the Mdm Alfred Carierre rose. I watered.
Cleared out some basketgrass in the Greenhouse Garden. Did some watering in the Greenhouse Garden. While I was in there, I found the fourth Ninebark I bought at the beginning of the summer. I planted it, and then I couldn't remember where I planted it. I looked and looked. I finally decided it must have died. But there it is tucked under a sweetshrub. Mystery solved at last.
After work I raked the Greenhouse Garden and Mom's Garden. And I did some raking in the Rose Garden. I walked along the elderberry trail and cut away elderberry and Turks Cap so that one can walk freely without brushing against anything
Saturday. Up before daylight.
Nelly went to the vet on Friday and was finally spayed. She was still feeling punky on Saturday, poor thing.
I cleared paths in the Star Garden so they are mostly walkable now. Pulled weeds. Staked a few things.
I checked on the Orchard, pulled a few weeds while I was there. The little salvia are blooming pink and red, so pretty in the early morning. But they wither away by the time the sun comes out hard.
Everything looks pretty good.
Did some cooking and prep work for my NPSOT volunteers. We worked on plant sale activities from 1:00 - 5:00. Signage, plant tags and laminating plant signs.
Sunday. Up before daylight.
I planted 2 Bushy Lippia in the Rose Garden and one in the Orchard. I bought them from Ann about a month ago, and I finally got around to planting them. I was going to plant all three in the Rose Garden in a group, but I ran into a really thick peppervine vine. I scraped it with my scissors and poisoned it with a drop of Remedy / diesel in my oil can.
I spent all morning pruning my roses in buckets and my La Vesuve rose, fertilizing and watering. Hopefully October and November will give me a good show. I weeded here and there as I worked, poisoned vines, and watered beds.
I sprinkled some baking soda on nostoc algae in the Orchard. Either applying baking soda last year was a total success or the change in my watering schedule or a combination of both have really gotten rid of the problem. This little patch of algae is the only one I have had this year. It's an incredible transformation. It was a real problem for years. Now it is gone with this one exception. Wow.
I weeded a bit in the Orchard. when I went down there to plant the Bushy Lippia.
I watered in the Greenhouse Gardens.
I watered all my seed beds - two in the rose Garden and one in Mom's Garden.
Sunday was a beautiful day. I had a wonderful time working in the gardens.
Headed home to Houston after the football game.