Pennyroyal is in the mint family. Its has very pretty, round leaves that are light green, and it spreads very quickly. The essential oil is very concentrated and can be toxic even in small doses. The metabolite
menthofuran is the active ingredient in P
ennyroyal and it is this ingredient that can induce abortions. Its traditional uses (mention of its use for these purposes has been documented back to the Greek and Roman times) were as an
emmenagogue (a menstrual stimulant) and an
abortifascient. It has been documented that, taken as tea for several days in a row, self-induced abortion can occur.
Pennyroyal has also been documented by colonial Virginia settlers to eradicate pests. Other reported medicinal uses through history include treatment for fainting, flatulence, gall ailments, gout, and hepatitis (presumably Hepatitis A), and as a lung cleanser, a gum strengthener and, when ground with vinegar, a tumor remedy.
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