Saturday, May 14, 2011

Some of my Hostas

The two photographs above are Guacamole Plantain Lily. The plantain lilies do a little better in our heat than the hostas do.

The two photographs above are Stained Glass Hosta.

The photograph above is Alligator Shoes Hosta.

The two photographs above are Sum and Substance Hosta.

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, I have never heard a distinction made between hostas and plantain lily. I always thought the latter was an older name for the former. Just wondering. I sure do like the stained glass hosta! I have an old-fashioned plain green that is just starting to bloom now and has the best scent! And best of all, the slugs didn't make a dent in them this year! Oh well, thanks for your blog, but I still am trying to figure out what is eating my milkweed and rudbeckia triloba. It is skeletonizing them! Not like monarch larvae do. Very strange! Best wished with your gardening!
