Saturday, November 25, 2023

Weekend at the Farm November 17 - 19, 2023


This is butterfly vine.  The seed pods look just like butterflies, and so different-looking from the flowers.

I arrived on Thursday evening.  Bert was already here.  He is busy doing some mowing in preparation for Thanksgiving.  And he is blowing leaves off the driveway and from around the pool area.  The complete leaf deluge is some weeks away, but it's better to keep up with it so that the blower works on it.  Once the leaf drop gets too heavy it must be raked.  That's harder, and that task usually fall to me.  That's okay because I use the leaves for mulch and compost.

Friday.  I have never done this before, but I decided to spread all my remaining Cosmos seed (I have a lot) throughout the Rose and Star Garden.  I'm betting that they won't germinate now because the weather is cool, and then in the spring I will have a good show.  That's basically what they do when they drop their seed, so I don't see this as any different.  Cosmos is confusing to me.  I've never had much luck with it, but everyone says that it's the easiest plant to grow from seed.  So I'm wondering if a more organic beginning next spring (meaning they have laid on the ground all winter) might give me better results.  

During lunch I weeded in the Orchard for a bit.  Sprayed herbicide. 

I spotted some leaf cutter ants in the Rose Garden.  I followed the trail through the woods until I found the entrance hole.  Spread poison across it and in various places along their trail.

Bert brought me a huge back of baking soda.  I sprinkled some in the Orchard and the Rose Garden on places where the Nostoc algae was particularly bad.

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