Delicate Coral Nymph
Salvia looks incredibly delicate, but it is as tough as nails. You can't kill it.

Coral Nymph
Salvia blooms all summer, throughout the hottest Texas days.

There are three Nymph
Salvias. Snow Nymph
Salvia has solid white flowers. I have some of the white variety growing as well. There is also a red and white Nymph
Salvia, I don't know the actual commercial name of it.

salvias in the Nymph group throw off lots of seed. You will have salvia everywhere if you plant just a few plants. You can't get rid of it. And why would you want to? I cut mine back about twelve inches a few weeks ago, there wasn't a bloom left on any of the plants. I did that to rejuvenate the plants for the fall. And after such a short time they are already in full bloom again.
These plants are butterfly, bee, and hummingbird magnets. Sit next to them with a cup of coffee in the morning or a glass of wine in the early evening and watch an incredibly entertaining display of nature.
Beautiful Lisa-great photos too :)