Sunday, May 14, 2017

Observations of the Weekend May 13, 2017

 I had completely forgotten that I planted some Easy Ned day lilies in the front flowerbed last year when I separated some clumps.  I noticed them just as I was leaving this morning, so I got out of the car to take a picture.

I have a really good start on my vines this year.  My white Coral Vine is all the way to the top of the pointed goat wire arbor in the Star Garden, there are even a few blooms on it which is strange since it's a fall bloomer.  And there is also some Cypress Vine blooming on the same pointed arbor.  On the other side of that arbor I sowed some Moonflower, and it has taken hold of the support.  And in the Orchard I sowed some Hyacinth Bean seeds, and they have sprouted.  I sowed those a week or two ago.  On the front gate arbor I pulled up all the morning glory seedlings that had sprouted from last year - they are Venezia, and I don't like those at all - and sowed some Heavenly Blue Morning Glory seeds.  They have sprouted also but have not quite yet produced any tendrils.  And I sowed some Blackeyed Susan vine seeds and Moonflower seeds on one of the conveyor belt supports, and they are doing well.  I also sowed some Blackeyed Susan vine seeds on the small arbor in the Vegetable Garden, and they have taken hold of the support and are beginning to climb.

Carol stopped by Saturday morning, and we agreed to trade Swiss Chard for blackberry jelly.  Bert is going to her house next week to get some fire wood she wants to get rid of.

The garden is ablaze with flowers - yellow blackeyed susans, yellow coreopsis, orange and red cannas, pastel roses, orange and yellow daylilies, white ox eyed daisies, white altheas, orange Mexican sunflowers, colorful zinnias, purple and blue salvias, pink bee balm, purple verbena, pink and orange coneflower, pastel larkspur, white mock orange, red and white nicotiana, pink cleome, red shrimp plant, purple basil, blue and pink vitex, blue, pink and white hydrangeas, pastel poppies, red phlox, and purple agastache.

The bulldozing is completed.  Now it is up to us to be good stewards of the land and convert it back to its original state.  For right now, that means doing nothing.

The armadillos are out in force now.  They are turning all my mulch over and making a big mess everywhere.


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