Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Almond Verbena September 3, 2012

I planted my Almond Verbena (the tall plant in the center of the photograph) in early summer.  It was a tiny plant in a small container, so as you can see it grows quickly.  It grows into a small tree, although it can be pruned to be a large shrub.  It is deciduous, and it likes full sun exposure.  It seems to be fairly drought tolerant as well.  I planted Mdm Isaac Pereire rose the same day as the Almond Verbena.  I have had to baby the rose through the heat of the summer, but the Almond Verbena has grow 5 feet without any extra watering.  The flowers are delicate and white, not extremely showy, but pretty.  What makes Almond Verbena so special is the smell.  It is wonderful, even extraordinary!  The flowers smell like almond extract, and the scent hangs on the air and can be smelled 20 feet away.  Really heavenly, a must-have plant if scent is something you value. It is planted near my front porch where I often sit, resting between back breaking chores, and I can enjoy the memorable scent and watch the bees and hummingbirds feast on its nectar. 

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