Monday, February 18, 2013

Face Lift for the Boardwalk Feb 16, 2013

On Saturday afternoon I stained the boardwalk with opaque stain.  It is called Redwood.  It's really orange, unfortunately.  But, in my experience, the outdoor structures fade so quickly that it really isn't a permanent mistake.  And the stain was non-refundable which made the decision to keep painting a pretty easy one.  The Boadwalk is about 150 feet long, maybe longer.  I stained the entire thing in about three hours.
The top of the boardwalk:
The middle of the boardwalk:
The end of the boardwalk - I ran out of stain with two little steps remaining.  My husband added some gasoline to the dregs so I could finish, but I forgot that the man at the hardware store told to add water if I wanted to extend the amount.  So it was ruined, and I couldn't use it to finish.  I'll just stain the two little steps, it really doesn't matter.  We're not competing in any contests.

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